Your app, to keep track of all of your Thomas and Friends Minis. Know what's in the bag before you open it! Trying to track down that elusive mini? T-Minis can help you find it. Create a want list, sort by Character, Series or Year and Wave. T-Minis keeps track of your whole collection; favorite characters, series and how rare they are. Everything you ever wanted to know about Thomas and Friends Minis is available here.
This app is in no way affiliated the Thomas and Friends brand and was created as a fan piece to help manage my Minis collection.
您的应用程序,来跟踪所有的托马斯和朋友扭蛋的。知道你打开它之前有什么收入囊中!试图追查难以捉摸小? T-扭蛋可以帮你找到它。排序性格,系列或年度和波形创建一个需求表。 T-扭蛋跟踪你的整个集合;最喜欢的人物,系列和多么的难得他们。所有你想知道的托马斯和朋友扭蛋可以在这里找到。